martes, 12 de mayo de 2009

El Coro de la Iglesia de San Lorenzo.

Frente al Altar Mayor de la Iglesia de San Lorenzo podemos apreciar la belleza de este coro, un total de 23 asientos realizados por el maestro carpintero Juan Leonardo en 1713.
Justo en medio de él, existe un atril con un libro de lecturas de entonces.
Opposite to the Major Altar of the Church of The San Lorenzo we can estimate the beauty of this choir, a whole of 23 seats realized by the master carpenter Juan Leonardo in 1713.
Just in the middle of it, an easel exists with a book of readings.

2 comentarios:

  1. now to hear them chant or sing would be a perfect combination with your photo

  2. Wow. This is the first time I've seen a choir area arranged this way. The walls look like the acoustics in this room would be awesome.
