Está situada a continuación de la Sala de los Infantes y desde su ubicación se accede a los Jardines de Troya en el exterior.
Esta sala fue concebida originalmente para dar cabida a la capilla del Palacio. sin embargo, la creación por parte de los Reyes Católicos de un oratorio en el Palacio Alto, permitió rehabilitarla como dormitorio.
Es en esta época, 1543, cuando se instala en la estancia el artesonado en madera que cubre el techo. Debido a este hecho, la sala tomó el nombre actual, "Sala del techo de Carlos V".
Un arco divide a la sala en dos ambientes, el menor era utilizado como presbiterio de la antigua capilla, pero tras la restauración renacentista pasó a ser una alcoba.
En esta sala se celebró el matrimonio entre Carlos V e Isabel de Portugal.
It is placed later of the Infantes´s Room and from its location we can accede to the Gardens of Troy in the exterior part.
This room was concepted originally to give content to the chapel of the Palace. Nevertheless, the creation, by the Catolic Kings of an oratory in the High Palace, allowed to rehabilitate her like a bedroom.
It is in this epoch, 1543, when the roof is covered with the new materials, wood. Due to this fact, the room took the current name, " Room of the roof of Carlos V ".
An arch divides to the room in two environments, the minor was used as presbytery of the former chapel, but after the Renaissance restoration it passed to be a bedroom.
This room was concepted originally to give content to the chapel of the Palace. Nevertheless, the creation, by the Catolic Kings of an oratory in the High Palace, allowed to rehabilitate her like a bedroom.
It is in this epoch, 1543, when the roof is covered with the new materials, wood. Due to this fact, the room took the current name, " Room of the roof of Carlos V ".
An arch divides to the room in two environments, the minor was used as presbytery of the former chapel, but after the Renaissance restoration it passed to be a bedroom.