El Jardín de las Damas está situado entre los Jardines Históricos, el Jardín de la Alcoba y la Galería de los Grutescos. Inicialmente era un jardín pequeño que limitaba extramuros con huertas públicas, pero los habitantes del palacio se sentían incomodados porque desde fuera se escuchaban las conversaciones en el jardín.
A fin de garantizar la intimidad de la familia real y de sus invitados, se encargó a Vermondo Resta la ampliación del jardín de las Damas de manera que se pudiera pasear por él sin ser observado por extraños.
Tiene cuatro mil metros cuadrados y el artista milanés dividió el espacio en ocho cuarteles de setos.
El nombre del jardín viene dado porque existían en él unas esculturas de las diosas Hera, Atenea, Afrodita y la Reina Helena.
Alcazar (32): The Garden of the Ladies.
The Garden of the Ladies is placed between the Historical Gardens, the Garden of the Bedroom and the Gallery of the Grotesque. Initially it was a small garden that was bordering outside on public gardens, but the inhabitants of the palace were feeling troubled because from out the conversations were listened out the garden.
In order to guarantee the intimacy of the royal family and of their guests, the King entrusted to Vermondo Resta the extension of the garden of the Ladies so that it was possible to walk along it without being observed by strangers.
It has four thousand square meters and the Milanese artist divided the space in eight barracks of hedges.
The name of the garden comes because a few sculptures of the goddesses Hera, Atenea, Aphrodite and the Hellene Queen were in it.
In order to guarantee the intimacy of the royal family and of their guests, the King entrusted to Vermondo Resta the extension of the garden of the Ladies so that it was possible to walk along it without being observed by strangers.
It has four thousand square meters and the Milanese artist divided the space in eight barracks of hedges.
The name of the garden comes because a few sculptures of the goddesses Hera, Atenea, Aphrodite and the Hellene Queen were in it.