Todos sabemos las atrocidades que se cometieron entre los dos bandos durante la Guerra Civil española. Fueron muchos los que murieron a manos de los propios vecinos por defender ideas política contrarias.
En el cementerio de San Fernando de nuestra ciudad existe una placa recordando el lugar habitual en el que se producían los fusilamientos.
El Grupo de Memoria Histórica, a instancias del Partido Comunista, pidió al Ayuntamiento de nuestra ciudad la colocación de este azulejo en memoria de los que allí murieron.
All of us know the atrocities that were committed between both decrees during the Spanish Civil war. They were many people who died to hands of the own neighbors for defended contradict politics ideas.
In San Fernando's cemetery of our city, a ceramic plate exists remembering the place in which the executions were taking place.
The Group of Historical Memory, to instances of the Communist party, asked to the Town hall of our city for the placement of this ceramic plate in memory of those who there died.