viernes, 10 de julio de 2009

Specially for Hilda: A small Chapel for the sailors.

Hilda, from Manila said:

"The spires of the church look wonderful! Maybe you can show us a close-up sometime?".

Here, they are.

This is the "Small Chapel" dedicated to de Virgin of Carmen. In spanish, "La Capillita del Carmen".

La Virgen del Carmen es la Virgen protectora de los marineros.
Esta capillita está situada junto al Puente de Triana y en el lugar donde durante los siglos XV, XVI, XVII y XVIII estaba situado el puerto de Sevilla en su orilla norte.
Allí iban los marineros a rezar y a pedir favores a la Virgen del Carmen.

The Virgin of Carmen is the protective Virgin of the sailors.
This small chapel is placed close to Triana's Bridge and in the place where during the XVth, XVIth, XVIIth and XVIIIth century the port of Seville was placed in the north shore.
There the sailors were going to pray and to ask the Virgin for favors.

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