jueves, 9 de julio de 2009

La figura del torero.

La perspectiva de la foto nos permite encuadrar en el mismo ángulo a la estatua dedicada al torero Juan Belmonte con la pequeña capilla religiosa que hay a escasos metros, dedicada a la Virgen del Carmen.
Por medio sólo el Puente de Triana que los une y los separa a la misma vez.
The perspective of the photo allows us to fit, in the same angle, to the statue dedicated to the bullfighter Juan belmonte with the small religious chapel that exists to scanty meters, dedicated to the Virgin of Carmen.
In the middle it is only the Triana's Bridge that joins and separates them to the same time.

2 comentarios:

  1. A statue of a bullfighter. Wow.
    The spires of the church look wonderful! Maybe you can show us a close-up sometime?
