jueves, 21 de abril de 2011

Jesús Cautivo.

Es la imagen de "Jesús Cautivo en el abandono de sus discípulos" a su paso por la Puerta de Jerez en la vuelta hacia su templo.
Pertenece a la Hermandad de Santa Genoveva y refleja el momento en que Jesús, tras ser apresado, siendo cautivo de las tropas romanas queda en soledad.
It is the image of "Jesus Cautivo in the abandon of his disciples" to the way along the Door of Sherry in the return towards his temple.
It belongs to the Brotherhood of Holy Genoveva and reflects the moment in which Jesus, after being caught, being captive of the Roman troops stays in loneliness.

1 comentario:

  1. You seem to have many interesting events in Sevilla. Good for us that you take photos of them and post them for the world to see.
