domingo, 21 de marzo de 2010

El Pabellón Real.

Durante la Exposición Iberoamericana de 1929 se construyeron muchos edificios y pabellones para albergarla. Uno de ellos fue el Pabellón Real, enmarcado entre el actual Museo Arqueológico (antiguo Pabellón de Bellas Artes( y el Museo de Artes y Costumbres Populares (que era el Pabellón Mudéjar).
During the Latin-American Exhibition of 1929 many buildings and pavilions were constructed to shelter her.
One of them was the Royal Pavilion framed between the current Archaeological Museum (former Pavilion of Fine arts) and the Museum of Arts and Popular Customs (that was the Mudejar Pavilion).

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