lunes, 8 de junio de 2009

El Parlamento de Andalucía.

Este edificio que os presento en el día de hoy es desde el año 1992 la sede del Parlamento de Andalucía, una de las diecisietes Comunidades Autónomas de España. Pero no siempre fue así.
Antes era un hospital, el Hospital de las Cinco Llagas u Hospital de la Sangre como también era conocido.
En 1546 comenzaron las obras de este Hospital que fue reconocido en el siglo XVI como el hospital más grande del mundo, pudiendo atender en sus habitaciones hasta tres mil enfermos a la vez.
Tenía entonces, y sigue teniendo en la actualidad, más de veinticinco mil metros cuadrados y ha estado funcionando ininterrumpidamente desde 1559 hasta 1972 como centro de atención hospitalaria.
Una curiosidad: aquí nací yo en 1970, dos años antes de que cerrara sus puertas.
This building that I show to you today is, from the year 1992, the Parliament of Andalusia, one of the seventeen regions of Spain. But not always was a politic building.Before, it was a hospital, the Hospital of Five Sores or Hospital of the Blood like also it was known.
In 1546 the works of this Hospital began and it was recognized in the 16th century as the biggest hospital in the world, being able to attend in its rooms up to three thousand patients simultaneously.
In 1546 the works of this Hospital began and it was recognized in the 16th century as the biggest hospital in the world, being able to attend in its rooms up to three thousand patients simultaneously.It had then, and it continues having at present, more than twenty-five thousand square meters and has been working uninterrupted from 1559 until 1972 as center of hospitable attention.
A curiosity: here I was born in 1970, two years before it closed the doors.

2 comentarios:

  1. That's a very long building! Very impressive and it has a wonderful history. Lovely gardens too.

    At least the place you were born is still there and still has an important function. The clinic where I was born is now a parking lot! Awful… ;)

  2. Hola Juan Manuel! Beautiful building with a magnificent garden. Nice photo! Fun to look at your blog photos! Muchos gracias - adios! EAGAN daily photo from friendly Minnesota, USA
